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The Clint Cronin Show

Thanks for checking out the Clint Cronin Show. Welcome to Cronin Club. We're the first ones on the mat and the last ones to leave. Training starts before the sun rises. Never too hot, never too cold. Nobody wants to hear a grown ass man complain so shut up and train :) 

Sep 19, 2016

Renato Laranja
Please welcome to the show two of our very good friends Renato Laranja and Keta Meggett.
Renato Laranja
27-time Brazilian Jiu Jitsu World Champion. @renato_laranja on Instagram. Porra, Caralho
Keta Meggett
Actress, Pro-Wrestler, Jiujitsu Competitor & Anti-Bullying activist.  CEO of the 501(c)3 non profit organization Team Bully Buster. @theprettyflower on social media and Keta Rush on
#bjj, #jiujitsu, #prowrestling, #wrestling, #mma, #bullying, #antibullying, #brazil, #brasil